Thursday, September 23, 2010
Dove Hunt 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Whitewater Rafting
On Friday, we tubed down the lower Ocoee River. What an adventure this turned out to be. Little did we know the river split and Mr. Hester, Mrs. Hester, Kimberly and I stayed on the main river and the rest of the family split left and ventured down another part. Mrs. Hester, Kimberly and I decided to link arms and drift down enjoying the scenery and sun. However, none of us were paying attention to where the river took us and we ended up in some tree branches. Mrs. Hester was tipped off her tube and she grabbed on to a tree branch - I can still picture her holding on so tight and yelling at Danny (I am still laughing). Finally she let go and hung on to my tube and we floated about 1/3 of way down the river like that. Kimberly decided to go for the abondoned tube and ended up in more trees. When I looked back, she looked like a bird in a nest - she was in so many branches (I still have this picture in my head). Kimberly made it out alive but Mrs. Hester's tube did not. So with 1 tube busted we floated until we reached a dock. Meanwhile the rest of the Hester clan had their own adventure. They battled trees and shallow water - when we met up at the dock we all had stories to tell. We had a great time tubing and what an adventure it turned out to be!!!
On Saturday we went whitewater rafting down the Ocoee. This actually turned out to be easier than tubing! Only Mike fell out and none of the rafts tipped so it was a successful trip. I decided to "ride the bull" on the last set of rapids. Which means I sat on the front of the raft and held on tight!! To bad I don't have pictures but Len's cousin Mousey did it too. You can see him in the pictures below. We had a great time with the Hester clan!!
Tubing - Mrs. Hester's busted tube
Len rafting the Upper Ocoee - Olympic portion
Rafting the Ocoee - this is known as the Washing Machine
Rafting down the Ocoee
Riding the Bull
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
28th Birthday

Our Birthday Cake

Blowing out the candles

Thursday, April 22, 2010
Porter's Tricks - 10 weeks old
In the Video Porter knows the commands Here, Sit and Down.
In this Video Porter knows how to retrieve.
In this Video Porter sits for his food, until we say "Go get it"
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Meet Porter!

Len and I recently got a black lab named Porter! Our lives have definitely changed. Our days of sleeping late and being lazy on the couch are over. Porter likes being outside and your attention. In the few weeks we have had him, he has learned sit, here, and to wait for his food until we say "Go get it" Len is working on his retreiving skills and Porter is doing great!!