Wednesday, April 28, 2010

28th Birthday

I was born on my grandfather's birthday, April 25th. My grandfather was born in 1928 and I was born in 1982. Years ago we figured out that every 11 eleven years our age is the reverse of each other. We have been 06 and 60; 17 and 71 and this year we are 28 and 82. A few years ago I decided that I wanted to go to Florida to celebrate this birthday with Papa. For those who know me best, you know I am numbers person so that fact that I turned 28 and Papa was born in 1928 and Papa turned 82 and I was born in 1982 made this birthday an extra reason to celebrate. Every year I would tell him 2 more years, 1 more year and every time he would say I hope I make it. And he did - as I knew he would. Mom and Dad drove down to Florda early in the week and Nicole, Nick and I flew in Saturday morning. We had a great weekend spending time with family, eating (as we always do) and going to the grocery store (we went about 9 times in 2 days to either a grocery or drug store). Sunday night we had a wonderful birthday dinner with steak and shrimp! And a heath bar ice cream cake topped it off! This birthday is one I will never forget and I am glad I was able to share it with my Papa.

Our Birthday Cake

Blowing out the candles

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Porter's Tricks - 10 weeks old

In the Video Porter knows the commands Here, Sit and Down.

In this Video Porter knows how to retrieve.

In this Video Porter sits for his food, until we say "Go get it"

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Meet Porter!

Len and I recently got a black lab named Porter! Our lives have definitely changed. Our days of sleeping late and being lazy on the couch are over. Porter likes being outside and your attention. In the few weeks we have had him, he has learned sit, here, and to wait for his food until we say "Go get it" Len is working on his retreiving skills and Porter is doing great!!